Friday, 25 July 2014

Airbrush Painting with Bob Ross Style

Are you looking for something new and fun to add to your artistic life? It should definitely be something that gives you great joy and works with every part of who you are deep inside. If you enjoy music and rhythm you can add that to your artwork through improvisational speed painting done to the music that you love. If you love to read, you can bring that to your artistic work as well, by learning how to improvise the scenes and emotions that you feel deep inside. And of course if your imagination inclines toward the visual, you can improvise the colors and shapes that you see in your mind.

If you are into air brush painting there are some very cool new techniques and tricks that would help you paint asif you were painting with Bob Ross right there at your side! You can learn air brush painting in a new way that allows you to use the materials and tricks of spray paint art.
With these new techniques, the artist uses an airbrush and a compressor to create works of art including cosmic scenes, landscapes, underwater painting and much more. Their emotions can become part of the air brush painting because the speed and rhythm which which it is done taps into the subconscious in a new way.

Regular airbrush techniques often take a lot of time and although they are amazing and wonderful, they do not tap the subconscious in the same way. You can learn very quickly and easily and the skills help the artist become better at improvisational art. You can do the same with these new techniques that come from the secret world of Mexican spray paint art.

These days there are so many ways of painting and designing. You can create works of art on paper, canvas or on cars and motorcycle helmets. These new techniques work great on cars and metal and very few airbrush artists know about these new painting techniques that allow them to speed paint cosmic art, galaxies, landscapes, waterfalls and more.

If you know the skills of air brush painting you can go to a car repair and body work place and offer your services. Often they will be happy to find clients for you in exchange for them doing the glossing part. With these new techniques, you will be able to paint any designs that your clients ask you for and make a good living doing what you love.

While the most important thing is to be a creative and Ingenious artist, it's great to have all the airbrush techniques and tricks at your fingertips. If you want to be able to create great quality art work with your air brush painting it's very important to learn about the correct materials to use and to have some training in the basic techniques of creating texture and shape with the materials of Mexican spray paint art. If you would like to be able to feel like you are painting with Bob Ross but with your airbrush you will definitely need some training and to learn about Mexican spray paint art techniques and how to use them with your airbrush. It's fun to learn how to speed paint and be able to improvise anything you want at any time. So don't worry about the learning curve! Just go for it.

There are many types of air brush painting that you can learn but remember that the most important thing is to have a good time and learn something unique that you can use to be successful in whatever field works best for you.

While you are still a beginner, it's best to start simple. Learning to paint planets and cosmic scenes is a great way to begin. From there move on to more kinds of landscapes and then add the techniques of painting waves and underwater scenes and more. Take your time going from step to step. Once you feel comfortable with those skills, you can add more airbrushes and colors to your repertoire and learn even more new skills. Once you feel completely comfortable, you can start looking for new ways to make money with your skills. Painting cars is a great way to make a living. Putting your artwork into galleries feels great! It's wonderful when you can turn your air brush painting hobby into a livelihood. I hope that with these new techniques you will always feel like you are painting with Bob Ross by your side.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Exclusive Airbrush Tips To Paint A Planet:

How to paint a planet using airbrushing techniques taken from the world of spray paint art.

Most airbrush artists use circle cut outs to make planets, and yes, you can do that, but I'm also going to show you how to paint planets another way right now.

Here are some materials that you will need:
We are going to use heavy plastic plates, the kind you can find at Walmart or some other convenience store in the dinner ware aisle. You can also use caps, like from vitamin bottles, but you will need to make them heavier so they don't get blown around by the air from your brush. (One way of making them heavier is to paste some heavy things on top, such as heavy metal nuts and bolts from your hardware store.)
OK, so once you've got your plates and caps, you need some posterboard to paint on. Most airbrushing techniques are not meant for posterboard, but these airbrush tips are different. I'm giving you airbrushing techniques that work with thicker heavier paint then you would usually use with an airbrush and they work great on posterboard! You can do them on other surfaces, but posterboard is a great place to start. You can learn how to paint on posterboard in exactly the same way a spray paint artist does.

Here is how you mix your paint for using these airbrush tips:

So the first thing you need to do is learn how to paint a planet like texture. You can do that by layering the paint and then removing layers with newspaper. I'll explain...
Usually we paint light to dark. This means that we start with a light color, such as white, or ivory, or yellow, light pink. Light means bright, opaque, or pastel colors.

Then we add a medium color such as red or blue, or any color mixed with a little bit of white.

Then we add a darker color, such as dark blue, black.

All of these colors should be opaque, meaning that they either have some white mixed in them or the pigments are not very diluted. You want something that's going to give you more coverage.

But after you add these colors, you can add a transparent color. That can be a very diluted color, or a color mixed with transparent medium. When you spray it on, you can still see the colors underneath somewhat. Transparent colors can add great depth to your work. It's great to add some into your color mixes. If you want to learn how to paint 3D planets with airbrushing techniques, you will benefit from adding some transparent colors to your planet textures!

Once you have applied these colors, it's good to add a little bit more white to the edge of the planet that will be the brightest.

Once you have layered your colors, it's time to use the newspaper.
Most airbrushing techniques do not use heavy enough paint to do this..but if you have mixed your paint as I described above, you can use these airbrush tips to create layers of textured paint.

First of all there are different kinds of newspaper, and also magazine papers.
Newspaper can be old or new, still or soft. Magazine paper is less absorbent than newspaper. All of these factors make a difference. If you use a lot of paint for example, and then use magazine paper to add texture, you will leave much more paint on the paper then if you use a soft absorbent newspaper.
So it's good to start experimenting with different kinds of newspaper and magazine paper until you find your favorite ones.

If you want to know how to paint a planet, you need to know how you crinkle the newspaper. (I know all these details)
The more you crinkle it up, the more little tiny lines and squiggles of texture you will create. Ask yourself, how far away is this planet? If it's really close, you may want more detail in the texture, if it's far away, you only want a little bit, because things that are far away make it harder to see detail.
Here is one way to crinkle it up.

Once you have created the texture of your planet, it needs to be dry to be able to block it off with the plate. You can dry it by being patient and going to get a snack. You can dry it also with a hair dryer or a heat gun on the low setting. If you dry it quickly, make sure you don't heat up one area of your paper too much or your paper will curl up!

Once it is dry, put your plate on top, and now you are ready to airbrush the space sky around it!

Airbrush tips on how to paint your simple basic cosmic sky:
You can add black, dark blue, and whatever other colors you want in your sky. Sometimes it's nice to add areas of red, orange, yellow and tiny highlights of white.
Once you have applied a few areas of color in your dark sky, it's time to put some stars on.

Here is how to paint the stars:
Take some white paint that is fairly undiluted, put it on a large hardware store spatula, or if you don't have that, on a strip of torn posterboard and shake it over your painting to make the stars. Try to throw them fairly hard so them come out small.

Now, you can take your plate off. Once the plate is off, you are almost done, just take some black and shade the edge of the planet so that it blends into the space behind it. And now you have a great planet!

I hope you have enjoyed these airbrush tips and that you'll give it a try yourself!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Airbrush Basics and Essentials For Beginners

Airbrush Basics
Airbrush basics are for those just beginning to explore airbrush art and those who want to learn to paint in a new and unique way with their airbrush.
By Alisa Amor
This is not your normal “airbrush basics” information. I hope to show you some new and unique possibilities and artistic effects that you can learn how to paint with your airbrush in a completely new way that you probably haven't seen before.
You can find information about traditional airbrushing for beginners like everyone else in so many places. I want to tell you about new airbrush techniques that are adapted from the world of Mexican spray paint art.
When I first began to learn spray paint art techniques with my airbrush, I had to do a lot of experimentation. I literally spent hours in my garage every day for over a year trying different mixes of paint, paper, and tools.
I had learned the basics of spray paint art from Gerardo Amor in Mexico. There were so many cool painting techniques that I knew how to do with a spray can. Now I wanted to transfer them all to use with my airbrush.
The first thing I needed to do was to find an airbrush that could change colors as quickly as I could pick up a new can of spray paint. After much searching around, I found the “quick change airbrush” from Harbor Freight. This airbrush was only $11!
For those beginners looking for how to learn to paint with an airbrush, most artists don't know that you can use newspaper to move the paint around on your paper. Just like in spray paint art, you can use plastic plates as stencils to make planets. You can use kitchen sponges to take off delicate layers of paint.
To paint like this, you need to be working with thicker paint than most airbrush artists use.
How you mix the paint is very important. One essential thing that airbrush beginners need to know, is that if they mix paint from a tube for their airbrush, they need to filter it before running it through their airbrush. I like to use a piece of cut stocking over my mixing bottles to insure that no lumps get into my airbrush. This makes learning to paint much more enjoyable.
What is nice about the quick change airbrush is that no maintenance is necessary. Most airbrushes require constant maintenance and cleaning, but this brush frees you from that problem! The paint never enters the brush itself, but is propelled directly from the paint canister to your painting surface. You can learn without constantly cleaning your brush! It's just faster.
Airbrushing for beginners usually requires some skill in drawing, but learning to airbrush paint with spray paint art techniques frees you from having to learn to draw before you ever pick up an airbrush. These techniques make it easy to paint space scenes, landscapes, mountains and much much more without knowing how to draw even a stick figure!
Learn To Paint the Easy Way
If you are looking for information on airbrushing that doesn't require you to learn to draw to be able to paint, you are in the right place! It's very hard to find techniques that work this way, but they do exist when you learn from the spray paint artists of Mexico. These techniques make it so that the paint actually does the work for you! You can learn easily and effortlessly with this method.
I hope that you have enjoyed this introduction to new airbrush painting techniques and that you will explore these new options.